Plateau Collaboratif
is a practice working in the fields of architecture, urbanism and design

We think our work as the result of a collaborative process, combining a critical research regarding the city/territory, construction processes and design with a continuous attention to contemporary ways of living.
PlaC focus on enhancing existing qualities, built and unbuilt, to evolve in something always unexpected through time and their inhabitants. Strengthening of identities, adaptability of program and flexibility of spaces are our main tools.
PlaC has an international experience in project management and has developed projects in Italy, India, Germany, USA and UK; our works have been selected and awarded in different international competitions in Italy, Croatia, Finland, Germany, France, Norway and Spain.
Since 2014 we are bringing together our experiences and developing our expertises through private and public projects, design workshops, theoretical researches and academic teaching at Politecnico di Torino and IED design institute.
PlaC consists of:
Andrea Alessio, Ilaria Ariolfo, Davide Barreri,
Marta Grignani, Chiara Bertetti, Marco Gherardi,
Alberto De Virgiliis, Mariapia Mammino.
2024 / Cascina Gallaerj / Big See Awards
2024 / Maison du chantier / Big See Awards
2023 / Canale della Zingara / Statte / two phases competition / third prize
2022 / Edilizia sociale Ex Questura / Rimini / honorable mention
2020 / Spazio visitatori / Chiomonte / first prize
2019/ Area archeologica / Aosta / honorable mention
2018 / Ex Campo Enel Competition/ Chivasso (TO) / first prize
2016 / Workout Pasubio / Parma / two phases competition / first prize
2015 / Bauhaus Museum / Dessau / two phases competition / finalist
2014 / Merlettificio Türck / Pinerolo, (TO) / second prize
2013 / Europan 12 / Helsinki, Finland / honorable mention
2013 / Europan 12 / Kaufbeuren, Germany / honorable mention
2012 / Badel Block competition / Zagreb, Croatia / third prize

“TIA, Casa SISU“ on Cose di Casa / november 2023
“CIP, Maison du chantier” on Container Architecture. Modular Construction Marvels, Braun Publishing, 2023
“SF2, Cascina Gallarej” on Quinn #58, september/october, 2023
“TNG, Appartamento in Santa Giulia” on Cose di Casa, march 2023
“TAM, Soho Borgo Vittoria” on Cose di Casa, february 2023
“ Casa tre viste” on Elle Decoration UK, february 2023
“TNG, Appartmento in Santa Giulia” on Divisare february 2023
“TNG, Appartamento in Santa Giulia” on Archello, genuary 2023
“TNG, Appartamento in Santa Giulia” on Urbana, june 2022
“SF2, Cascina Gallarej” on Topscape Paysage n.44, june 2021
“TCA, Casa Farini” on Platform Architecture, November 2020
“Casa tre viste” on Divisare, february 2020
“Casa tre viste” on Attitude, april 2020
“Casa tre viste” in IconDesign n. 57 of January 2020.
“Casa tre viste” on Home World Design on april 2020
“Re-Mix” in Milan, Andreina (a cura di); Pinerolo Città d’Opera e d’Acqua. Area Ex Merlettivicio Turck; Marcovalerio Edizioni; Torino 2015.
“Institute without bounderies” e “Air-sharing” in Rebois, Didier (a cura di); The adaptable City/1-Europan12 Results; Europam Europe, Paris 2014.
“ACTIVE EDGE” in Røyseland, Espen; Rø, Øystein; Paden, Elizabeth; Europan 11 Norway : book of result; EuropanNorway; Oslo 2011.
ISBN:978-82-92960-04-2. pp. 102-107
PlaC has collaborated with:
ACC Naturale Architettura, Andrea Barnaba, Alessandro Bua, Bellissimo Luca Ballarini, Giorgia Cattaneo, Marta Cammarere, Cristiana Catino, Salvatore Cicero, Gianmarco Danese, Silvana De Bari, Giulia Ciccone, Desy Frezet, Greta Gai, Francesco Iaquinto, Intelliglass, Ge Jiaqi, LeapFactory, LIN Architects Urbanists, Matteo Lucisano, Negozio Blu Architetti, MARC, Monica Merra, Carlo Musso, Alberto Periquet, Valentino Pileggi, Emanuele Protti, Marco Rabaglino, Bianca Rabe, Hyemin Ro, Giuletta Roz Architecture, Romina Serrano, Michele Simonetti, StudioErranteArchitetture, Studio Granma, Studio Vairano, Federico Taverna, Andrea Tomasi, Thomas Untersweg, Zeroundicipiù, Christina Zettl.