Show all Urban Architecture Interior Floating IslandRenovation of a 50's apartment Residential100 sqm Podium Advanced TechnologiesCampus for innovation and manufacturing Offices, manufacturing9250 sqm Iceland Ski CabinA contemporary hearth as a landscape experience Ski cabin220 sqm Greek theater of Eraclea MinoaValorization of the archeological site Landscape, cultural12,8 ha Luca Faloni ZurichConcept and design of an italian fashion store Retail160 sqm Luca Faloni ChelseaConcept and design of an italian fashion store Retail250 sqm Casa MadamaRenovation of an apartment for a young family with a dog Residential140 sqm Ex Chiesa San GiuseppeNew cultural center in Amatrice Cultural810 sqm Piazza Barigau Óru víuRethinking of an urban social-playground Public space, Landscape13 ha